Welcome to Braindance Books

We are a new digital-first publisher of high-quality commercial fiction in a range of genres.

Publishing is a highly competitive business and there are authors whose published work has not yet received the recognition it deserves.  We want to work with them.

Although selective about who we collaborate with, Braindance Books is committed to investing in long-term partnerships with authors, curating careers for them that are creatively satisfying and commercially successful.

If you believe in your books and would like to be part of our publishing adventure, we would love to hear from you.

Why publish with us?

We believe in long-term trusting relationships.

Our ethos at Braindance Books is to invest time and money in undiscovered authors in whom we see real potential. We are interested in developing long-term strategic relationships with writers, relaunching them and their work, with a view to helping them build sustainable writing careers.

We know how challenging it can be to write a novel.

At Braindance Books you will work with an editorial team with a proven track record in publishing. We will also watch out for your wellbeing. We know writing can often feel arduous as well as fulfilling. Our creative collaboration together will always be relational and meaningful, our goal being to support your resilience as a writer and sustain a long career.

We know how hard it can be to sell a novel.

Authors are constantly challenged to experiment with new technologies and promotional techniques to compete in the marketplace as publishing trends evolve. Braindance Books navigates the ever-changing publishing landscape with its authors, choosing bespoke strategies for selling their books and developing careers.

We know that success can feel elusive.

Authors have to act like publishers now, dividing their time between writing and selling books. We believe the foundation for an author's success is built on crafting excellent stories supported by intelligent marketing strategies, informed by ongoing data analysis, to steer them up through the book charts.